Hello conscious athletes! Do we know what kind of changes our exercises create in our body? In this post, I will explain the physiological changes of aerobic exercises in the Heart-Muscle-Circulation and Lungs in our body.
- hypertrophy of the heart muscle
- Enlargement of the left ventricle of the heart
- Decreased resting heart rate
- Rapid decrease in heart rate after exercise
- Increase in the amount of blood that the heart sends per beat (Bloathing volume)
- Increase in the amount of blood sent by the heart per minute (cardiac output)
- Increase in maximal oxygen consumption (MaxVo2)
- Increase in endurance capacity
- Increase in O2 use by active muscles
- Increase in enzymes that affect the energy production of carbohydrates and fats
- Increase in muscle and liver glycogen stores
- Type 1 muscle hypertrophy
- Increase in the O2-holding myoglobin content of the muscles
- Increase in the number and volume of mitochondria
- Increase in lactate threshold
- Increase in blood fluid (plasma)
- red blood cell increase
- Decreased blood pressure at rest in people with hypertension
- Increase in maximal blood pressure
- Reduction in blood pressure in submaximal exercises
- Increase in blood flow to active muscle and skin
- Increase in the number of capillaries
- Increased involvement of capillaries
- Increase in max breathing
- Increase in O2 and CO2 exchange